Next time you're out at a coffee shop, a bar or anywhere groups of people hang out, take note of how many of us are texting, talking or in some other way using their phones to communicate with someone not even there.
Not going to lie, I do this too. If I'm not twittering/texting, I'm usually trying to take a picture. While I appreciate the ability to look back on a fun night, doesn't the very act of recording something affect whatever a group is doing?
Can't any of us keep our cell phones in our damn pockets and only talk to those in our vicinity?
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.10
4 hours ago
So true!!!! We drove to the other side of the valley last weekend and I was keeping track of cars I passed where the driver was NOT on their cell...I only came up with five and that was a 25 mile trip on the 101.
By the time a student who is in 8th grade now, becomes an adult, they won't know how to have a person to person conversation with someone. My 8yr old son keeps asking when will he get a phone....NEVER I reply! Then I give my evil laugh!
um, no... we can't. we are obsessed with constant communication and instant gratification, it has become the American way. :-)
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