Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Look Better Naked Challenge Day 1 - Work those pecs!

After my "successful" participation in Vin Vallejo's Body Fat Reduction Content, in which I was the only one who GAINED inches (in the manly areas, I lost in my gut), Katie said she wanted to try something similar. So I'm going to take what I learned from Vin and continue my own training while whipping Katie into shape as well.

We'll try to get both our measurements done so that we can track progress over the next few months, but our first day, which was actually Monday, was pretty good.
Oh, and Katie really, really doesn't like the foam roller.

Monday, March 21, 2011

BFRC Day 57 - Results

After nearly two months of training with Vin and competing for a $2500 cash prize, the results are in: I didn't win.

In fact, I GAINED INCHES. Seriously. I was, as of 6pm, the ONLY contestant who actually gained inches.

Now, I did gain in all the manly areas (arms, shoulders, chest and legs) while losing in the fatty places (a bit in the ass and an inch around my gut), so the entire process (minus the nearly three weeks I missed because of travel and sickness) was absolutely worth it.

I feel stronger, look better and, most importantly, have way, way more energy than I have in quite a long time. My next task will be to train Katie the best I can as I prep for my next half or full marathon.

Huge thanks to Vin, as I'll still be training with him sporadically as long as I can keep up giving him some publicity (CLICK ON HIS LINKS! JOIN HIS GYM!) or convince him to trade gym time for a new website.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

BFRC Day 56 - What's next?

Okay, so I didn't lose all the weight I hoped. My slow struggle to change my eating habits, a weeklong illness and a loooooong road trip to Chicago certainly didn't help, but the responsibility is obviously mine.

Now it's Katie's turn. Starting tomorrow, and every weekday until we get tired, I'll be training with my fiancĂ©e to help the both of us reach our fitness goals. While I'm certain it won't be as productive as my workouts at Pro Fitness AZ, I'm sure I'll be able to figure something out.

Next on my plate is more running, as I'd really like to get my per mile time under nine minutes for runs 10+ miles. I'll also be out on my bike a bit more and will eventually start swimming as I prep for Ironman 2012 in Tempe. 


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 54 & 55 - Done

It's been nearly two months since I started working out with Vin. While we didn't make it five days a week every week, we certainly came close.

I dry heaved five times, sweated gallons and managed to make every pair of pants and shorts I own too big. I'm also working on a nice four-pack that is begging to be let out from underneath a few more pounds of belly fat.

My arms are noticeably larger, my neck is smaller and I feel GOOD. Did it hurt? Hell yes it did. Did it suck giving up flour, sugar and Diet Coke (for the most part)? Yes, at first.

But it was definitely worth it. While I doubt I'll win the contest, my time spent at the gym was more than worth it, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Next step? Marathon. 2012 Ironman after that.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

BFRC Day 53 - Whew

Much needed day off today, as my forearms and abs still ache from workouts earlier this week. I suppose that's a good thing, but the pain involved is trying to tell me it's not.

And I had a Diet Coke today. I know I wasn't supposed to because of my self imposed no sugar, flour or Diet Coke month of March, but dammit, it's St. Patrick's Day and I don't even drink anymore. I figure a can of Diet Coke when I REALLY want one won't kill me.

I'm also noticing a positive change in the pictures taken of me. While I still look a bit chubby slobbish, my profile has improved even over the past three weeks. Hopefully I won't have to cringe much longer when seeing myself on video or photos.

I think it's a stretch day tomorrow and I really, really want to get some runs in this weekend.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BFRC Day 52 - More pain, more gain

After begging off boxing yesterday (I jammed or bruised both my hands and it hurt to even throw a punch, so we did core work instead), I figured Vin would want to punish me having such fun assigning core work yesterday.

So he made me challenge a girl. Megan Hoover and I were workout buddies today, which mostly consisted of one of us doing something continuously while the other plowed through a certain number of reps so we both could finish.

Megan, who's likely stronger than I am, held her own just fine. The sprints were a little tough for the both of us, but I'm proud that I have no shin splints from running today. First time in a while that I've sprinted without major calf pain.

My shoulders are tired, my forearms hurt from Monday and my abs are making it hard to get out of bed, but damn, it feels good.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BFRC Day 50 & 51 - Best diet ever

(Missed yesterday. My arms hurt. Lots.)

Before I head off to bash my hands against pads, I figured I'd show Vin exactly what kind of diet works for celebrities so he can get his own going. 

Jimmy is going to be faaaaaaat.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

BFRC Day 49 - Quick four miler

Hot damn, running is getting easier. 

While my form wasn't the greatest today, as evidenced by tight calves and a sore left ball of my foot, but running felt fantastic. I made it in under nine minutes per mile, not an easy feat in the upper 80s.

I can definitely tell my legs are stronger and my cardio is better, thanks to Vin, but I'm most curious as to how I'll feel once I get my form back. I pushed off too much today and used way more energy than I needed to.

But I'm still not sure if the people driving by appreciate my shirtless body in short running shorts. Oh well, at least the tops of my feet are tan. Wearing Vibrams has its perks.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

BFRC Day 48 - I'm tired

After a morning of foam rollers and an afternoon with a deep tissue massage, my body is sore almost everywhere. It's a good sore, though, and I'm eager to recover from what was a decently tough week.

I DID notice that I had a faint bruise on my left thigh and it's quite sensitive to the touch. Took me a while to figure out if it was workout/running related (both sides would usually hurt if so, unless it was an injury or form problem) and then it hit me:

My damn leg is sore because Vin spent 35 minutes whacking my left thigh to get me to sprawl in the middle of boxing sets (while wearing a 20ish lb weight vest and a band connecting my feet) on Thursday. He only smacked me upside the head a few times though, so I guess that's a nice trade off.

I wonder if he beats everyone like he does me. Must be out of love, right?

Friday, March 11, 2011

BFRC Day 47 - Calf troubles

I'm a wimp. On a day that was supposed to be about relaxation (though I think Vin is lying whenever he mentions that and really just means stretching) I squirmed and cried out like a little girl while Vin pushed his hands into my flesh. Sprawled on the floor with my legs in the air, Vin pushed and rolled and shimmied side to side with the foam roller until my too-tight muscles couldn't handle anymore.

What the hell happened to me? I used to stretch every day, but that was when I was running. Apparently I was stupid to stop, because the more flexible I am, the less my "relaxation" days hurt.

Then I got a full-body massage this afternoon. I'm really going to hurt tomorrow.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

BFRC Day 45 & 46 - Weighted vest

Changed the workout time today. Instead of our usual 8:30am appt, I head to Pro Fitness AZ at 2:30pm. Big plus because I was able to get a few small meals in before my workout, slight minus because I'm the type of dumbass who runs 5k right before his 45 minutes workout is scheduled.

It was pretty brutal. First, Vin made me wear a 20-25lb (something around there. the weights kept falling out) weight vest AND tied my feet together with a bit of tubing. Because I was already a bit tired, I failed to consider if Vin was strapping weights on me so I couldn't run away from him or just really wanted to torture me because i was already tired. 

Either way, I didn't last the full time because of the burpees and the repeatedly blows to the head (blame that on me being too stupid to move when Vin threw a punch) kept tiring me out.

I think it's safe to say I'll never be a boxer.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

BFRC Day 44 - My hands hurt

I'm less doughy. Less and less nearly every day, in fact. It's obvious in my face and the slight hang, instead of form fitting, of my tshirts.

My pants are tough to keep up and my energy level is rising. I don't need much more than 5-6 hours of sleep to feel GOOD.

But there's one thing I can't rest, ice, heat or stretch that hurts nearly every damn day. My hands. My hands HURT.

You see, every Tuesday and Thursday, Vin and I box. Well, he holds up pads and I hit them. Sometimes he slaps me upside the head when I drop my hands, sometimes I make him wince slightly when I get a good kidney punch in.

But every day, every single goddamn day, my hands hurt because I haven't quite figured out how to punch. I get close, but no matter how much I try, I re-jam my knuckles constantly.

But I'll learn.

Monday, March 7, 2011

BFRC Day 42 & 43 - Dry heaves rise ag'in!

(Missed yesterday. Whoops.)

There is no greater feeling than getting a little proof that the goal you set out to accomplish is almost realized.

And I'm skinnier. It's evident in my neck, my love handles and my chest. Vin agreed with my assessment that while I may not be as light as I'd hoped, I'm certainly stronger and I've lost inches, which is definitely a best case scenario.

It's good to be heavy and strong. Lifting is easier, no one pushes you around and shirts fit a bit tighter. While I'm nowhere near where I'd like to be, there's no question that the past 43 days have in any way been wasted.

Oh, and I dry heaved today after shoving a blocking sled across the pavement and then trying to do burpees off an exercise ball. That sucked, but the air outside was nice.

Oh, and I'm running for Ashton Kutcher's VP of Pop Culture for PopChips. I'd appreciate your vote.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

BFRC Day 41 - Sugar hurts

(This post should have been posted on March 5)

I had sugar at a birthday party last night. First time since February that I've tasted any kind of sugar besides an apple or banana.

Holy hell it's a rush. A huge, huge rush. Like, not unlike snorting ADHD drugs. I had no idea it was so ridiculously powerful.

Two hours later, I crashed and was asleep before 10pm.
Sugar sucks.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

BFRC Day 40 - Healing hurts

(Late again. Damn.)

I'm pretty sure Vin enjoys hurting people. Oh wait, he's an ex-MMA guy. Of COURSE he does. 

Yesterday, which was touted as my "healing and stretching" day, ended up being the most painful of the week. I was pushed, pulled, sat on, straddled and had Vin push an instrument deep into my muscles all under the promise that "it would feel good after." While it definitely did, Vin's use of the rolling stick introduced me to a couple of calf knots that I had NO IDEA WHERE there and am now gingerly dealing with.

It's Day 5 of my no flour, no sugar and no Diet Coke thing and the dull headache is gone. I THINK I've been staying away from everything, but sometimes dressings on salads are a little iffy. The greek salad I had from the Med Fresh Grill on Mill Ave yesterday was DELICIOUS.

I need coffee.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

BFRC Day 39 - Charlie Sheen must eat Paleo, because I tasted #tigerblood today

Hot damn, this no flour, sugar or Diet Coke thing is starting to have an affect on me. While I definitely have a dull headache from whatever is in Diet Coke withdrawal, my energy while boxing this morning was a tremendous improvement. Hell, I even hit Vin so hard he yelped and need a few seconds to recover.

Also learned a few things today, like getting hit in the face, specifically the eye, sucks and that I should keep my hands up more. Also that boxing well is really, really hard.

Weight is holding steady, but I hope to start dropping pounds in the next few days as my body starts to burn a bit better. Only starches I'm eating are plain oats, sweet potatoes and brown rice. If anyone has other suggestions I'd love to hear them.

Also, I'm running for VP of Pop Culture. Vote for me once per 24 hours, please!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

BFRC Day 38 - So, so tired

Day two of the no flour, no sugar and no Diet Coke. Holy crap, I need to find another source of carbs because my energy was minimal this morning with Vin.

I finally figured out what Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution was about at the TEDsimulcast tonight. It's GREAT. So great to see someone taking aim at fat kids and the parents that seem too lazy or unable to cook. The more I read about processed food, the more sad I get. We very much need to learn more about where our food comes from.

Brown rice, ham and black beans tonight for me!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

BFRC Day 37 - Boxed my hands raw

Losing weight is hard. No matter how often I work out, it always comes back to healthy food choices, lots of moving around and better control of my food portions.

After 37 days of working this body fat reduction thing, I'm not doing too well. Sure, I'm down 13 lbs, but that's crap compared to the amount of work I've put in. It's time to make some serious changes.

A few months ago, I stopped eating my absolute favorite food. I thought I would crave pretzels and was pretty sure I'd be buying them by the case after a week, but it's been over three months and I'm totally fine (no sinus infections either).

Because I know I won't die, it's time to give up some other crap that my body just doesn't handle well: Diet Coke. I drink far too many a day and constantly rely on the kick as a crutch to keep me awake at night. It's stupid. Coffee and/or tea can do the same thing at a far lesser cost to my health.

So, far the month of March and in honor of Vin donating nearly five hours a week to get me into shape, I'm giving up diet coke, flour and sugar. At the end of this month I'll re-evaluate my choices, but not until then.

If you SEE me with any of these things, you have the complete right to snatch them out of my hands and throw them away. In fact, I hope you'll do that.

Oh, and I'm such a badass I boxed my knuckle raw today.