Sunday, March 20, 2011

BFRC Day 56 - What's next?

Okay, so I didn't lose all the weight I hoped. My slow struggle to change my eating habits, a weeklong illness and a loooooong road trip to Chicago certainly didn't help, but the responsibility is obviously mine.

Now it's Katie's turn. Starting tomorrow, and every weekday until we get tired, I'll be training with my fiancĂ©e to help the both of us reach our fitness goals. While I'm certain it won't be as productive as my workouts at Pro Fitness AZ, I'm sure I'll be able to figure something out.

Next on my plate is more running, as I'd really like to get my per mile time under nine minutes for runs 10+ miles. I'll also be out on my bike a bit more and will eventually start swimming as I prep for Ironman 2012 in Tempe. 


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