Melissa Giovagnoli-Wilson, a colleague of mine during The Domino Project, is applying for a Grant for $250,000 being offered by Chase and Living Social. She will use the grant to provide affordable ongoing, high quality social media training and book publishing support to all--especially entrepreneurs, small businesses, senior citizen and students. Over the past 25 years she has donated thousands of dollars and thousands of hours to help professionals, entrepreneurs and young people from 12 to 29 get affordable social media and networking training. She has donated time and money to help groups like: the YMCA, YWCA, United Way, Scholarship Chicago, University of Dreams and dozens of young professionals. To be chosen as a finalist for it she must have 250 votes by June 30th 11:59pm EST. Will you please help? You need a Facebook account and then:1. Go to:
2. Go to the bottom on the right side and click on Sign in with Facebook if you have a Facebook account and if you don’t, click on LOGIN and SUPPORT
3. In the window that appears where it says business name type in: Networlding Publishing. Please be sure to capitalize "N" in Networlding and the "P" in Publishing.
4. The city is Chicago and the state is IL
2. Go to the bottom on the right side and click on Sign in with Facebook if you have a Facebook account and if you don’t, click on LOGIN and SUPPORT
3. In the window that appears where it says business name type in: Networlding Publishing. Please be sure to capitalize "N" in Networlding and the "P" in Publishing.
4. The city is Chicago and the state is IL
Thanks in advance. Pass it on, please!
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