Friday, January 14, 2011

Fruit hunting for @meyouhealth

I completed this challenge years ago in the orchards of Eastern Washington. You see, my grandparents had land out there, so they gave us permission to enter, but let me tell you, finding what we were looking for was treacherous.

The parcel of land, lined with tree after tree, made for tough navigation. Once we were in this maze, it was often impossible to see our way back out, and after the sun set we could barely see each other.

We'd often trek through the maze armed only with Capri Sun and a bag slung over our shoulders. My brother and I would run from tree to tree, grabbing our low-hanging prize before anyone noticed. We'd sometimes eat our kill right there, as a celebration of the hunt. Juices would run down our chins, and then we'd take our bounty back to grandma's house.

She skinned, chopped and grinded for us. Sometimes she'd even add spices to the pulpy mixture to make a sort of cider that could be enjoyed warm or cold. 

I often wonder if the trees knew we were eating their offspring so close to where they lived. Thankfully, I hadn't seen Lord Of The Rings yet, so the nightmares about walking trees never surfaced. But sometimes...I dream of it.

Anyway, that's how we got apples for our breakfast. Sometimes we'd go to the store and buy bananas. Those were easier.

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