Sunday, August 31, 2008

I want to...

I want to see like an eye, the first time it recognizes color.

I want to smell like a nose, the first time it encounters a pleasant aroma.

I want to hear like an ear the first time it connects hearing to sight.

I want to feel like skin does the first time it takes a bath.

I want to live like the breath that saves a drowning man's life.

I want to dream like the first time you remembered one.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who cares if... have hundreds of emails in your inbox. We get it, you're busy and important.

...your house is dirty and you need to clean. Um, ours is too, but not everyone bitches about it.

...that you hate paying bills. Pretty sure no one likes to, but thanks for stating the obvious.'re gay. You don't need to tell me about it. I don't tell go around saying I'm straight with some flag on my car.

...that's the way it used to work. It doesn't work that way right now, and now is all that matters. don't like something or someone. No one asked you.

It's been a weird day. That is all.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Being handicapped sucks

Here's a list of things I can't do:

Shower without someone there to change my bandage.




Sit without pain.

Get into a car without pain.



Get wet.

Get sweaty.

I will never make fun of anyone with a bad back again, because their situation is similar to mine. Hell, I need a bar moved and for the first time in my life, I can't lift something.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It was weird today when...

...the guy at Home Depot refused to look up and help me while I stood at the desk. I hate poor customer service.

...some jackass in a rust-colored, rice-rocketish car pulled in front of the car I was in. I don't like that guy and I don't even know him yet.

...when my day job expects me to know more than I'm told. Doesn't make any sense.

...a girl I like kinda blew me off. Not sure what to think now.

...when I got what I wanted by being honest without being mean.

...I realized my life will never be complete until I finish at least one cool thing that I start.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Little Guy vs the IRS

So it is true. David can slay Goliath.

It's always important to celebrate when a person achieves something great, and this is one of those times. Read the end link to hear about a citizen who took on the IRS and won. His victory opens up a number of possible people for refunds.

Most of them won't be much, but in times like these, every penny counts.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Phil Gordon looking to stay too long in power

It's disappointing that we're so apathetic around here that no one has said anything this. He's trying to change the rules while he's charge in order to benefit from it? Why in the hell isn't this causing red flags to go off everywhere?

Regardless of what we think of him as a public official (I personally think Gordon is a whiny leader, but we could have done worse), no one should be allowed to change laws while in charge when it benefits them.

It smacks of corruption and guarantees things won't change for a long while.

What can be done to bring more attention to this?

Link here.

Is there a Twitter rule book?

If not, there should be. Let's start one.

1) if you can't say it under 140 characters, DON'T FUCKING SAY IT. No more four tweet stories. It's annoying.

2) @replies are good three times only. after that, head to the DMs

3) the exception to #2 is when 4 or more people are involved. it could lead to some seriously cool thinking.

4) we don't ALWAYS need to know WHAT you're doing. I think it's time we look past the literal translation.

5) text shortcuts are okay, but think about it. Do we really need OMG or LOL? Let us decide.

6) businesses, stop tweeting links only. i get that you're trying to advertise, but that's not what twitter is about. inviting me to your forum still counts as a link.

7) as an addition to #6, please stop feeding comments into twitter. we don't need to know when someone commented on the blog post you just tweeted the url to six times in the last 10 minutes.

8) get a real avatar, be it your personal logo or a picture. enough with the manga, enough with the pointless pictures or corporate symbols. Be you.

9) use your REAL NAME. stop hiding behind an anonymous sounding screen name.

Any thing else?

Typos Beware

It's impossible to go too far to correct a typo.

Don't believe me?

Ask they Typo Eradication Advancement League (TEAL), a group formed for no other reason than to correct typos on old historical landmarks.

I'm not kidding.

This group, or pair if you believe the newspapers, were just tried and sentenced for correcting a comma and apostrophe on an old Grand Canyon sign.

I think it's hilarious. Let's face it, our early settlers, while maybe fantastic adventurers, great athletes and tougher than we can imagine, probably weren't all the good with the readin', writin' and 'rithmetic. If they had been, why would they have left the comfort of the city to pursue the Wild West.

They wouldn't, so now we have TEAL, who really true patriots, editors of history if you will. They do the same job the editors of the day do, just a little later.

Here's the link from the original story, courtesy of

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Who do you work for?

I can't return to work without a doctor's note. I can't work from home without a doctor's note. My doctor's note said I was to continue working from home until he had cleared me.

You'd think that would be simple to understand, but you're wrong. My supervisor needs to see a copy of said note, because HR and UNUM (the short-term disability claims company) won't share this note with her, nor will she take my word on what it says.

I had surgery just over three weeks ago. I applied for short term disability, as I was most likely going to be out for six weeks to a month. My claim was accepted, but I wanted to start working from home as soon as I could, as I knew that having nothing to do and not being able to leave my house would drive me insane.

It nearly did.

My bosses and I, along with my doctor, agree that after my initial week-long recovery, I would be okay to from home part time. This worked for all of us, until this week.

Now, the note from the first paragraph says "continue to work from home" which I interpreted as "keep doing exactly what you're doing". UNUM and HR apparently do not, nor does my supervisor, even though I have tried to explain this to them.

My job HATES when people work from home. They are a controlling, jealous bunch who don't understand modern technology. Anyway, now I feel like I'm in trouble for WANTING to work.

Anyone ever dealt with this shit?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

$10,000 in text messages?

Link to story:

I understand this guy's frustration. I also agree that huge changes in someone's bill should almost require that the account holder be notified, but his outrage is a little over the top.

Phone companies can't protect us from ourselves. We already have enough PC, for your own protection type devices that make the responsible people in this world angry every time they have to go through ten extra steps because some idiot didn't read the directions.

This case was simple...he knew his daughter was retarded, yet he allowed her the freedom of a phone. It's HIT responsibility to watch over her, not theirs. Unfortunately, in this case she's classified as an adult, although she's clearly developmentally disabled. Sorry buddy, not everyone can be trusted with a cell phone.


Monday, August 18, 2008

What does it take to get ahead?

For those who don't know, I'm not a great fit at my current job. I'm not that organized, I don't like sitting in a cube and I like to write. My job, consisting of sales support requiring high organization skills and lots of patience, obviously is not for me.

I do have plenty of product knowledge, a great work ethic and a real desire to do more. A few weeks ago, I applied for a position in the Marketing Communications department, a new department which would act as an in-house collateral shop. Perfect job for someone like me who has plenty of copywriting and design experience (well, I know HOW to use InDesign and I'm even better at asking for help), right?

Nope. Apparently an external candidate is a better choice. A female (our marketing team is currently 94% female) with no Pearson knowledge is a better choice.

Damn, damn, damn. I think I'm wasting my time.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I can't sit, can't lay, can't run, can't sleep well, can't drive, can't lift, can't swim, can't bathe and can't stretch.

For the first time since I was a baby, I am completely at the mercy of other people to take care of me.

Chelsea, Don and my mom (Wendy) each took time out of their lives to nearly wait on me hand and foot. Every emergency was covered, every doctor appointment was met.

Even people from Twitter, most of whom I've never met, have been supportive.

There are times in our lives that we can feel completely alone, no matter how many people are physically around us.

As I sit in my apartment, by myself, I know that I am most definitely not alone. I know good people. I like that.

Thanks to everyone.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Save money, don't sacrifice style...

It's tough to redecorate (or in my case, decorate) a home in tough times. Every penny counts and no one wants to spend more than they have to, but most of us know that value means more than price.

Short of furnishing our entire place from Ikea, there are options for modern furniture that's decently-priced and fairly unique. is that place. Designed as a craigslist for design junkies, you can buy pieces you're bored with and just as easily replace them with new treasures.

It's a helluva lot simpler than driving from store to store looking for that perfect end table or matching set of chairs you never knew you always wanted. Check it out at

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Death by fire

My friend died in an accident like that just last week.

He fell back while drinking his 14th beer, knocked some off the far end of the wall, which knocked a steel rod over, which smashed the top off an old propane bottle, which shot 11 feet across into the furnace that was open because my buddy was adding wood.

It exploded and took down the entire house. Four people died and his little sister has smoke inhalation.

I watched it all from the far end of the garage, outside the window taking a piss.

Thanks for being so insensitive.

Ode to Cub fans everywhere

God I hate Cub fans.

Your team is referred to as "lovable losers". It means they suck. They've sucked for a long time and are only recently starting to not suck, but we all expect them to suck by the time the season ends.

I abhor how you stupid Cub fans have made losing somehow cute and cuddly, rather than exactly what it is: what those who suck do, often at life. You are not to be pitied, you are to be spat upon. Society has drug people like you around for centuries and I'm tired of losers like you holding us back.

I hope the stupid "lovable losers" take their piece of shit fans to the brink and let them down AGAIN this year. I certainly won't feel sorry for you.

Fucking losers.

Hotel San Carlos

If you haven't stayed or partied at the Hotel San Carlos lately, you're missing out. Between the weekend pool parties that have been extended to nearly every weeknight and the vibe this place is giving off, just showing up makes anyone feel like part of the in-crowd.

It's classy, it's comfortable, it's right next to a very cool pub (Seamus McCaffrey's), the GM doesn't boot people out for having a good time and it's one of the friendliest places around.

Downtown Phoenix has long needed a place to hang out past 5, and Hotel San Carlos looks to be the place.

Rumor has it that there is an 18-over party night in the works.

Rooms are cheap, too. $79/night.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Living downtown

Downtown living is more than just having a home close to urban destinations, it's a place to experience new things and meet very, very interesting people.

Take the elderly man who sit on a park bench on 2nd Ave every day. That's right, from sun up to sun down, this guy makes the trek from the Westward Ho to sit, smoke cigarettes and entertain passerby.

Or another guy who works at the Taco Bell at McDowell and 3rd St and the AMC in the AZ Center. Funniest, most sarcastic and best worker I've ever seen. He makes fun of customers, ridicules dumb employees and makes what is normally mundane quite enjoyable.

There's also the homeless people on cell phones (WTF is up with that? how do they pay their bill? who calls them?), the crazy people who like my bikes (two stolen so far) and the multitude of personalities (some from the same person) at the Circle K at 1st Ave and Fillmore.

Welcome to downtown living, Phoenix style.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who doesn't like geek forums?

Originally Posted by djrobsd

You are a tool dude, admit it. You sit here and attack people constantly for providing constructive critisicm and feedback about their iPhones.

I'm not attacking anyone personally. I think what you say is ridiculous.

Originally Posted by djrobsd
Here are the facts:
-Apple does not disclose to the public the limitations of only being able to sync music and video on the iPhone with one computer. It's not on the box, the marketing materials, or anywhere on the Apple marketing web site.

Well, we must have grown up around different technologies. If something doesn't specifically say it CAN do something, I don't expect it to until I see it happen. The iPhone doesn't SAY that it can't be synced to multiple computers, so I don't expect it to.

Originally Posted by djrobsd
-Apple advertised the iPhone as the BEST ipod ever. If this is the case, then they should make it work exactly or BETTER then an ipod, and not add more limitations to it which basically make it useless as an ipod.

It seems like you took the phrase "best iPod ever" and decided for yourself what that meant. I would guess any people say it as a phrase designed to sell more iPods.

Originally Posted by djrobsd
-Your comment about not having music on your computer at work is completely un-necessary. The truth is some companies encourage employees to listen to music and watch videos at work (my company happens to be a digital media company, cool huh?) What's wrong does your IT department not let you do that, and you're jealous so you make a bitter and rude comments?

Every company I've worked for allows this, but I don't sync my personal iPhone to my work computer, it's synced to my personal laptop. And yes, your digital media company sounds VERY cool. I'm sure you're very lucky to work there.

Originally Posted by djrobsd
-Some people do use the iPod and iPhone for purposes other then music at work as other posters have pointed out, recording meetings for one, listening to training audio books provided by the company in mp3 format for two.

I use my iPods and iPhone for these same things. For my iPod I used the iTalk to record interviews and meetings, for my iPhone I just bought a $2 app called SpeakEasy to record audio. Works great.
I listen to company audiobooks as well (not technically books from my company, but books my managers have recommended for our team).

Originally Posted by djrobsd
You know if you don't like people openly discussing shortcomings of a product don't read the thread, but please keep your nasty and hateful comments to yourself.

I have no problem with what you're doing and never said that I did. None of my comments were nasty or hateful. If you thought that they were, maybe you're insecure about what you said and are a little defensive. You should work on that.

Originally Posted by djrobsd
Oh and by the way, I noticed you posted a link to this thread on your blog. For the record, I have the $299 iPhone, and also for the record, my previous phone to the iPhone was $500, so it's not like I can't afford the original iPhone, your comment on your blog is so lame.

I'm happy that you were able to afford both. My comment wasn't specifically directed at you, but in general I would say that subsidizing the 3G iPhone brought a lot more problem customers than the original did.

Thanks for the feedback. Glad you checked out my site.


Had an infected pilonidal cyst removed last week. It's been nearly six days since they cut it out...and wow, it HURTS. I'm going to be on my side, stuck in my apt for months.

If you're squeamish, don't look it up. If you do, yes, the pics are real and it hurts more than you think it would. It has to be changed twice daily, which is terrible.

I'm up nearly 12 lbs since my lowest in three years weight of 193, but hey, it's to be expected, right?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Fantasy league time

Any of you cellar dwellers given up on your season yet? I'd be happy to offer you lopsided deals for your few stars. Just think, you'd be giving me players to win at the top level, making you just a big a part of my team as minor leagues are to the majors.

I'll even let you eek out saves the next time we meet.

So do what's best. Do what it takes to be part of a winner. Trade you best players to me for pennies on the dollar!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Phoenix people can't hold it in (comment on azcentral)

That's because this city is full of different classes and races that have varying societal levels of cleanliness and norms.

It's not just the illegals, it's also the inbred people in West Phoenix, the too-drunk-to-control-it group from downtown Scottsdale, the masses of babies in places like Gilbert, Chandler and Carefree and the nearly dead, mostly incontinent old folks out in Sun City that can't figure out how to hold it in.

Yay! America is a melting pot! I'm so glad we don't just deport/execute people like this on site!

You do realize that by letting this lower class of people live, we contribute to the denigration of society by still allowing them to breed? We should be weeding out the weak and stupid, not saving them. I say screw penicillin, let's start using stem cells to make super people.

It's not about playing God, just about improving the process of evolution so that we evolve quickly to where we should be, not where we are because we've wasted too much of our time making sure everyone was still along for the ride.