Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Body Fat Reduction Challenge Day 3

I'm having trouble using my arms right now. Well, unless you count letting them hang at my sides. That's going pretty well.

But driving, holding my arms up so my fingers can type and reaching above my head are a bit of a struggle. Either I had a stroke this morning or Vin Vallejo of Pro Fitness AZ had me do an hour of boxing. I'm not sure I can tell the difference quite yet.

I did learn a bit today:

1. Running a half marathon in no way means you are in shape.
2. There are five kinds of boxing punches and I'm not sure I'm better than Glass Joe at any of them.
3. Being out of shape and chunky is worse than any workout I've ever done.
4. I'm slightly fearful of ex-fighter Vin sweeping my leg if I don't pay attention.
5. Jumping rope isn't like riding a bike and my toes hurt from the rope repeatedly hitting them.
6. I know what you couch to 5k people feel like.

Tomorrow's workout is allegedly stretching and healing. We'll see.

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