Thursday, March 3, 2011

BFRC Day 39 - Charlie Sheen must eat Paleo, because I tasted #tigerblood today

Hot damn, this no flour, sugar or Diet Coke thing is starting to have an affect on me. While I definitely have a dull headache from whatever is in Diet Coke withdrawal, my energy while boxing this morning was a tremendous improvement. Hell, I even hit Vin so hard he yelped and need a few seconds to recover.

Also learned a few things today, like getting hit in the face, specifically the eye, sucks and that I should keep my hands up more. Also that boxing well is really, really hard.

Weight is holding steady, but I hope to start dropping pounds in the next few days as my body starts to burn a bit better. Only starches I'm eating are plain oats, sweet potatoes and brown rice. If anyone has other suggestions I'd love to hear them.

Also, I'm running for VP of Pop Culture. Vote for me once per 24 hours, please!

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