Sunday, February 6, 2011

BFRC Day 14 - Honey, who shrank my gut?

Two full weeks have passed since I first dry heaved for almost ten minutes in the Pro Fitness AZ bathroom. In that time, I've worked out with Vin eight times. lost at least six pounds and discovered just this morning that my gut is a little bit smaller.

It's not that I woke up skinny, but you know that little spot on your stomach that shows up when you gut actually hangs a bit? Yeah, it's super unattractive and now it's gone. I still have my fat roll when I sit down or lean over, but when I'm standing up, it's not there anymore.

Awesome. Also, I didn't eat popcorn at a movie last night. Only the second time in my life that I've done that.

I'm definitely getting a cold, which has thrown my running plans into a spin. Do I run a slow 5k? Do I rest? Feed a fever, starve a cold, rest both?

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