Thursday, February 10, 2011

BFRC Day 18 - Another day off

Yeah, that's TWO days in a row I've taken off from Pro Fitness AZ. Today I had a good excuse as I was running ChandlerCamp, but I bet Vin is starting to miss me.

Instead of treating these two days as an opportunity to eat whatever and do nothing (though I didn't do much as I'm still not feeling well), I was very picky about what I ate. I know that eating crappy food when you're sick is just going to make you worse, so I laid off everything that struck me as comfort food (pizza, mac and cheese, pretzels) and just ate meat, veggies, some nuts and a sweet potato. Doesn't sound like much, but when I'm sick, i'm not very hungry.

Have to listen to your body.

Hopefully I can heal by tomorrow, if not, and I'm not holding my breath on this one, it's back to running this weekend and the gym on Monday.

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